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Scharnstein: travel & holiday

Scharnstein is a city in Upper Austria, Austria. If you want to travel to Scharnstein, you can check the categories, the last added destinations and the photos on this page.

Last added destinations in Scharnstein


Camping Schatzlmühle


Camping Schatzlmühle is a well-equipped campsite just outside Scharnstein, in the easternmost corner of the "Salzkammergut" (transition with the Pyhrn-Eisenwurzen region). Sandwiched between the forested mountains, meadows and crystal clear...

Categories in Scharnstein

Spend the Night

Most visited destinations in Scharnstein

Camping Schatzlmühle

Campings on Viechtwang 1a.

Sponsored Links

Photos of Scharnstein

Caravans on camping Schatzlmühle


(© Schatzlmühle)

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