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Andorra La Vella: travel & holiday

Andorra La Vella is a city in Andorra la Vella, Andorra. If you want to travel to Andorra La Vella, you can check the categories, the last added destinations and the photos on this page.

Last added destinations in Andorra La Vella


Casa de la Vall

Andorra La Vella

La Casa de la Vall (The House of the Valley) is the headquarters of the Andorran Consell General (Parliament). Its historical significance makes it a very emblematic building. The House was built in 1580 and acquired by Parliament in 1702.

Categories in Andorra La Vella


Most visited destinations in Andorra La Vella

Casa de la Vall

Curiosities on Carrer De La Vall.

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Photos of Andorra La Vella

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