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Last opinions for Swimming Pools

sophiascurlock's opinion for De Helster on 2 December, 2014:
When we had a holiday on the Tabaksschuur, we've visited this swimmingpool, which was clean and very warm.

Gabbert's opinion for Zwembad Kerkpolder on 24 March, 2014:
Nice, warm, swimming pool. Very cosy, very safe. We like to go there twice a week.

Tonja's opinion for Swimming Pool Josephine Baker on 9 December, 2013:
Very nice swimming pool, not only because the kids are safe from chloride and other poison, but also everybody is polite and neat.

Jowel's opinion for Tikibad on 16 October, 2013:
Great attractions in the Tikibad in Wassenaar. Next time visiting HOlland we will be there agian.

Latest reviews for Swimming Pools

Review for De Peppel:

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