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Encamp: travel & holiday

Encamp is a city in Encamp, Andorra. If you want to travel to Encamp, you can check the categories, the last added destinations and the photos on this page.

Last added destinations in Encamp


Restaurant El Paso


Specialities Kitchen Market - Mediterranean Cuisine - Creative Cuisine Daily Menu: 25 € Closed on wednesday!


Caliu d'En Josep


Home Cooking - Mediterranean Cuisine - Pizza Daily meal: € 10


Borda Vella


Specialities Borda - Meat from the grill - Home Cooking


La Mola


48 rooms equipped with bathroom supplements, seen panoramic, telephone, show TV Bar, restaurant, central heating. Located at ENCAMP close to the ski pistes and the shopping centre, with private carpark, swimming pool and course of tennis.

Categories in Encamp

Food & Drinks
Spend the Night

Most visited destinations in Encamp

La Mola

Hotels on Av. Copríncep Episcopal, 62 Hotel La Mola.

Restaurant El Paso

Restaurants on Av. Copríncep Episcopal, 101.

Caliu d'En Josep

Restaurants on Av. Copríncep Francès,4.

Pizzeria El Paso

Restaurants on Av. Co-príncep Episcopal, 101.

Borda Vella

Restaurants on Av. Príncep Benlloch, 22.

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Photos of Encamp

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