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Blagaj: travel & holiday

Blagaj is a city in Kanton Herzegovina-Neretva, Bosnia Herzegovina. If you want to travel to Blagaj, you can check the categories, the last added destinations and the photos on this page.

Last added destinations in Blagaj


Rivercamp Aganovac


River Camp Aganovac is a small campground, situated on the bank of the Buna river, in the central part of the old town of Blagaj. In the shadow of willows and nut trees you will find peace and comfort. The campground is the ideal setting to vacate...

Categories in Blagaj

Spend the Night

Most visited destinations in Blagaj

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Photos of Blagaj

Source of the river Buna.


(© Els)

Small, but nice. Voor tents is a little reserved field on the backside of the reception.

Camping Blagaj

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