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Egypt: Travelling & Vacation

Egypt (جمهورية مصر العربية), is a large state in northeastern Africa. In the Arabian world, Egypt is known under the name Misr, simply shortening the official name.

The name Egypt originated in ancient Greece. There are two major theories about the origin of the name. First is over time, the name of an important shrine in Memphis, called "HWT-ka-Ptah 'was used for the whole area. HWT-ka-Ptah means "House of the Spirit of Ptah" and was translated into Greek in "Αι γυ πτος 'or' Aeguptos', the name given (in corrupted form) still applies. A second possible origin of the name comes from Greek and also would be derived from the Greek Aἰγαίου ὑπτίως ("Aegaeou uptiōs"), which means "below the Aegean". Egypt includes the Sinai Peninsula, which is physically a part of the Asian continent.

Latest additions to Egypt


Pharao Egypt Hotel


Located in the city centre of downtown Cairo, close distance to the train station and near to the residential and diplomatic sector of Cairo on Giza, Mohandesseen. The Hotel Pharaoh Egypt is only 17 km from Cairo International Airport and distance...


Het Egyptisch Museum


The greatest collection of Egyptian antiquities is, without doubt, that of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. It is a place of true discovery and, even after many visits, I continue to make new and delightful discoveries every time I venture into its...


Piramide van Gizeh


There are no more famous ancient sites within Egypt, or for that matter elsewhere in the world, than the Great Pyramids at Giza. They are, without question, the icon most associated with the Egypt. They have been both the main destination for...


Grand Oasis

Sharm El Sheikh

Situated directly on the sands of Sharks Bay, which is set in beautiful ladscaped grounds with fantastic views of the Red Sea, Sinai Desert and mountains. The AA Grand Oasis Resort is an 'all-inclusive' hotel, offering a wonderful combination of...

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Sharm El Sheikh

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Photos of Egypt

The view of the park from the roof of the Cairo Pharaoh Egypt Hote


(© Pharao Egypt Hote)

One of the apartments at the Grand Oasis.


(© Grand Oasis)

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