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Lesparre-Médoc: travel & holiday

Lesparre-Médoc is a city in Aquitaine, France. If you want to travel to Lesparre-Médoc, you can check the categories, the last added destinations and the photos on this page.

Last added destinations in Lesparre-Médoc


Domaine de Laguneaussan


In our 18th century house (a former wine) you will find a perfect place to stay. It also makes a good base for an extensive hiking and cycling. The grounds (approx. 60 ha. Forest and cropland) is surrounded by the vineyards of the Medoc. The...

Categories in Lesparre-Médoc

Spend the Night

Most visited destinations in Lesparre-Médoc

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Photos of Lesparre-Médoc

Sorry, no photos of Lesparre-Médoc yet. We are working very hard to get photos, but you can help! Please upload your own pics by clicking this link!

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