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Montsauche les Settons: travel & holiday

Montsauche les Settons is a city in Burgundy, France. If you want to travel to Montsauche les Settons, you can check the categories, the last added destinations and the photos on this page.

Last added destinations in Montsauche les Settons


Camping Midi

Montsauche les Settons

The campsite is 600 meters to the 'lake des Settons' The water is held back by a dike built of unique stone from France (1858) The Natural Park of Morvan, land of the living water (rivers and lake). Fishing. Water activities. Ousted...

Categories in Montsauche les Settons

Spend the Night

Most visited destinations in Montsauche les Settons

Camping Midi


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Photos of Montsauche les Settons

PLaygarden for the kids on Camping Midi


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