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Libreville: travel & holiday

Libreville is a city in Libreville, Gabon. If you want to travel to Libreville, you can check the categories, the last added destinations and the photos on this page.

Last added destinations in Libreville


Presidential Palace


Built by President Bongo in the 1970s, the Palais Présidentiel is a shrine of opulence, but visitors will have to be content to admire it from the outside.


Le Méridien Re-Ndama


Set in the heart of Libreville and facing the Atlantic Ocean, Le Méridien Re-Ndama is situated on the estuary of the Komo River. The capital city of Gabon, Libreville features a variety of areas, including the Glass District, the Oloumi industrial...


Pointe-Denis Beach


One of Libreville's two primary beaches, the Pointe-Dénis Beach offers camping in addition to standard beach activities.

Categories in Libreville

Spend the Night

Most visited destinations in Libreville

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Photos of Libreville

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