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City: Essen

Telephone: +49 (0)201 2 4 6 8 10

Website: https://www.zollverein.de


In Essen in the Ruhr area are old factories and old coal mine Zollverein. In 1986 the work in the mines and the company put stop, after which the Zollverein buildings have stood empty for some time. Since 2001, the complex on the world heritage list and is also busy remodeling and renovation of the complexes and the surrounding area.

Meanwhile flourishes old Zollverein in new glory, in his new role as centre of the Ruhr as the cultural capital of Europe (end proclaimed in 2010). Of course, the museums, theatres and galleries today have moved into the old Zollverein complex, very nice to visit, but if you come to Essen, you do not come just for the museum visit.

You'll mainly for the atmosphere that evokes the old buildings. The russet steel cont instructions, gears, old lines over which the coal and the complex were performed in the heavy machinery and the memory of the workers ever so angrily coal picked and processed here.

Zollverein on the map of Essen

Photo's of Zollverein

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