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Restaurants in Iceland

A total of 2 restaurants is found.


Restaurant Reykjavik

Reykjavík, Iceland

This beautiful building has a long and colorful story. Since the 19th century it has been a big part of Reykjavík’s history.In 1863 a man named C. P. A Koch was granted a permission to build the house with a pier in front, on the condition that a...



Reykjavík, Iceland

Opening hours: Dinner only from 18.00 Executive Chef: Stefán Magnússon Argentína steakhouse ...quality from start to finish This dark and rustic restaurant is one of the city´s best. Argentina Steakhouse opened 1989 and has since been one...

Categories in Iceland

Food & Drinks
Spend the Night

Restaurants by regions

Top 10 Restaurants in Iceland


Restaurants on Barónsstíg 11, Reykjavík.

Restaurant Reykjavik

Restaurants on Vesturgata 2, Reykjavík.

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Photos of Restaurants in Iceland

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