Restaurants in Northern Ireland
A total of 110 restaurants is found.

Belfast, Northern Ireland

Cafe Paul Rankin
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Belfast, Northern Ireland

Girona Restaurant, Ulster Museum
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Il Pirata
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Downpatrick, Northern Ireland

Belfast, Northern Ireland

Belfast, Northern Ireland

Belfast, Northern Ireland

Mourne Seafood Bar
Newcastle, Northern Ireland

Muddlers Club
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Murphy's on the Green
Strabane, Northern Ireland

Neill's Hill
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Belfast, Northern Ireland

Silks at Killyhevlin, The Killyhevlin Hotel
Enniskillen, Northern Ireland

Belfast, Northern Ireland

Soul Food Co
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Spice Empire
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Restaurants by districts
Top 10 Restaurants in Northern Ireland
Restaurants on 157 Stranmills Rd, Belfast.
Silks at Killyhevlin, The Killyhevlin Hotel
Restaurants on Killyhevlin, Enniskillen.
Restaurants on Brook Rd, Belfast.
Restaurants on 10 Main St, Newcastle.
Restaurants on 4 Regent St, Newtownards.
Restaurants on Palace Demesne Public Park, Palace Stables, Armagh.
Restaurants on 9-11 Bowling Green, Strabane.
Restaurants on 160 Spencer Road, Londonderry.
Restaurants on 51 Castlewellan Road, Newcastle.
Restaurants on 17-19 Francis St, Newry.
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Photos of Restaurants in Northern Ireland
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