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Vadstena: travel & holiday

Vadstena is a city in Östergötlands län, Sweden, with approximately 5500 residents. If you want to travel to Vadstena, you can check the categories, the last added destinations and the photos on this page.

Last added destinations in Vadstena


Vadstena Klosterhotel


Vadstena Klosterhotel offers accommodation in a historic environment, adapted to the requirements of modern life. The medieval town of Vadstena, by lake Vättern, bears witness of many ancient Swedish celebrities; among them St Birgitta and great...

Categories in Vadstena

Spend the Night

Most visited destinations in Vadstena

Vadstena Klosterhotel

Hotels on Klosterområdet592 30 Vadstena.

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Photos of Vadstena

Sorry, no photos of Vadstena yet. We are working very hard to get photos, but you can help! Please upload your own pics by clicking this link!

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