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Coronado: travel & holiday

Coronado is a city in California, United States. If you want to travel to Coronado, you can check the categories, the last added destinations and the photos on this page.

Last added destinations in Coronado


Hotel Del


Beautiful seaside hotel with a great lookout under the red roof.


Museum Coronado


The history of this unique community is what led a group of concerned citizens to establish the Coronado Historical Association in 1969. Through exhibitions at a local bank, lectures, and Christmas Home Tours, the Association grew in membership,...

Categories in Coronado

Spend the Night

Most visited destinations in Coronado

Hotel Del

Hotels on 1500 Orange Avenue.

Museum Coronado

Museums on 1100 Orange Ave..

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Photos of Coronado

Sorry, no photos of Coronado yet. We are working very hard to get photos, but you can help! Please upload your own pics by clicking this link!

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