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Museums in France

A total of 5 museums is found.



Alise-Sainte-Reine, France

The Interpretation Centre Built on the plain of Alésia, this building with symbolic architecture was designed by famous architect Bernard Tschumi. Its circular form evokes the siege of Alésia, the netting that clads the building provides a nod...


Musée national Picasso de Paris

Paris, France

Admission: Up to 18 years free Up to 25 years € 5.70 From 25 years € 7.70 By Metro: Saint-Paul / Saint-Sébastien Froissart / Chemin Vert Opening hours: 9:30 - 18:00


Musée de la Tannerie et du Cuir

Bort Les Orgues, France

The Musée de la Tannerie et du Cuir (Leather and tanning museum) actually shows how an animal through various operations a shoe or other product is made of leather. Although the museum some amateurish feel to it, it is very nice to have around...


Museum van Guines

Guines, France

The celebrity Guide Joanne, who lived in the late nineteenth century, pointed to the existence of a museum in the town of Guines. There one maps of Mercator, found a coin with many Roman coins, souvenirs of the balloonists Blanchard and Jeffries,...


Musée du Louvre

Paris, France

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Top 10 Museums in France

Musée du Louvre

Museums in Paris.

Musée national Picasso de Paris

Museums on 5, Rue De Thorigny, Paris.

Museum van Guines

Museums on Rue Joseph, Guines.

Musée de la Tannerie et du Cuir

Museums in Bort Les Orgues.


Museums on MuséoParc Alésia 1, route des Trois Ormeaux, Alise-Sainte-Reine.

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Photos of Museums in France

The Louvre inside.


(© Martin)

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